I've been in Israel close to three years now. Time has flown by. I've watched people come and go, and focused on getting myself settled. Three years is a long time to focus on myself, and now, I want to put as much energy as I can into focusing on something much more important.
The Alyn Children's Hospital in Jerusalem gives. It gives children, and gives to families. Health Care in Israel can be a struggle for many, and Alyn aim to alleviate that by being the only hospital to provide only comprehensive pediatric and adolescent rehabilitation centres, and being one of the world’s leading specialists in active and intensive rehabilitation for children. Children with congenital and/or acquired conditions, victims of car, domestic accidents and terror attacks, head trauma, elective surgery and cancer, are treated at the hospital.
At the end of October, I will cycle from Tiveria in the North, to Jerusalem, as part of the Wheels of Love annual bike ride, and every penny I raise will go to helping children like Antonella, who suffers from spina bifda, or Shabtai from Arad who lives with Cerebal Palsy.
This is a cause we all connect to. We all know children, and would hate to see them hurt. Please spread the word by linking to http://bikeride.britishyosef.com and making a donation.
Please help me to give back to a country that has given me such great opportunities in the recent years.